Apple Computers' CEO Steve Jobs once said in a college graduation ceremony and I quote "Don't let your inner voice get lost by the opinions of others.....Follow your heart". It's sometimes saddening as so many times, we let our own voice get lost amidst the loud notions of others. Yes, I agree, some time, our heart or our reasoning may fail to find a legitimate and right path and then it is perfectly alright to take help and opinions from those whom we trust. But in other times, when we are perfectly sure what we want and how we want it, when we know what my heart is telling us to do and we strongly believe this is the right thing to do, we should just do it. Do not let others control the way you lead your life. When I say others here, it also includes our surroundings, our background, and our status.
Life is not a perfectly defined process that you can just pick-up a fixed notion or mindset like 'Follow your heart' and lead it with it. But won't it be a nice experiment to give your heart a chance to take control? Anyways, we do experiments everyday. May be this experiment will give you a complete new outlook, new beauty to life, or may be this will make your life more complex, more miserable !!! Nevertheless, let us sit down and ask our hearts what is that we really need, long for. If we get the answer without really framing one, nice..let's follow it. If we don't, let's let the life go on and ask the same question again the next day. I am sure one day you will get the answer.
Note: BTW, I haven't got the answer yet, I am looking for it.
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