Friday, June 13, 2008

Cast a caste !!

Being from a traditional Indian Hindu family, I was often taught to be confined in the narrow perimeter of religion and caste. I think one of the most deadliest concept prevailing in Asian countries like India is the concept of caste that I strongly despise. You cannot label somebody saying that he/she is from "some blah-blah" caste and then control his/her life by that label just on the basis of the family he/she is born in. This is sheer ridiculous. We have already seen enough destructive, and bloody consequences of this system - the recent Gujjar incident in Rajasthan being the latest. This is often used by politicians as their game on dirty political playground - examples? I guess Indian readers can find out numerous themselves.

But what more concerns me is its dangerous effect on one's personal life. Having being stuck with a label of so-called high-class Brahmin family, I have seen such incidents in my family myself. Marriage, probably the biggest decision on one's life, is often controlled by caste rather than individual choice !!! You love somebody? Is he/she the one you have been looking for all the time? Oh great - then let's get married. Hey hold on, it's India I am talking about. These are quite secondary questions, the primary being "Is he/she from the same (bloody) caste?" No !!! sorry mate, you are in big trouble. Every second person, whom you might have never heard of before, who might have never bothered if you are alive and dead all these days, will suddenly turn out to be your well-wisher and start advising you that you must bury your "love" there and then. Now seriously how many of you think this is logical and sensible?

The fact that troubles me more is that this is happening now also, in the 21st century among the people of new, high-tech, cosmo generation. When I was a child, I thought this type of irrational, unjustified customs will go off once my generation, the young educated (??), vibrant generation will take the lead and stand against such evils. But I am disappointed and annoyed to see some of my friends and colleagues openly supporting the same or not uttering a single word of protest if they are forced to follow the same and make the ultimate sacrifice in their personal front. Come on !! open up. Break these barriers, the world is far more beautiful when it is open and vast. Let's give our next generations a more free, more justified country to live in where they can follow their heart.


Unknown said...

Great post.

I really support your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

just the way it should be said. straight from the heart. keep it up boy.